Wednesday, April 24, 2019

A challenge for myself for exploration of novelty

The decision of taking notes of recently accepted papers to ICML, NIPS, and AISTATS is a good idea for me to explore novelty in recently published papers. In addition to that, I want to experiment with a new habit with that I can keep myself updated about novelty and motivated about significance. I believe this is going to be helpful for my research because my assumption is that if I am regularly filled up with novelty and significance, my ideas, motivation, and ability for research would grow. To do so, I experiment with this habit design:

  • Exploring novelty on weekdays: Spend 15-30 mins per weekday to read and summarize new ideas from one good paper either from ICML/NIPS/AISTATS or preprint arxiv. This could be any topic in MLAI, but should be about some single concept mentioned in the paper that I have never heard or not very familiar with. For example, the paper "Deep learning with differential Gaussian Process flows" mentions stochastic differential equations and stochastic Gaussian Process. I have never encountered those concepts before, thus it makes me curious what all these ideas are about and whether I can use it for my own research or for future research at some day. Actually, the whole idea of this challenge comes from my curiosity about this paper and I asked myself: Why don't I grow this kind of curiosity into a structured habit? It might lead to something in the future, who knows. 
  • Exploiting novelty in the weekend: This idea immediately follows the first idea of exploring novelty on weekdays. Exploration of novelty is more like about knowing the existence of novelty, but not necessarily understanding it deeply enough to a useful level. Thus, this exploitation idea gives me a chance to think about novelty a bit more deeply and critically so that I might be able to apply it to my research. Of course, there is not a clear-cut of exploration and exploitation of novelty from published papers, e.g., I might still think about the novelty I have discovered on weekdays. But this second bullet is a basic framework for setting my habit. 

  • Is the habit design above appropriate? It might or might not be, I am not sure. That's why I need to experiment it and see what it leads to. I might modify it accordingly. 
  • How is this habit different from the idea of taking notes of recently accepted papers in top-tier conferences? Currently there are 3 top-tier conferences I target to (ICML, NIPS, and AISTATS), and each conference takes place once a year. But the exploration of novelty habit happens daily. There might be some overlapping between two activities. e.g., I can take a novelty from a recently accepted paper in ICML 2019, but still with the habit of exploration of novelty, I can go further back to ICML 2018, ICML 2017 to read for novelty. 

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